A young hero, an exalted heiress, a troubled rogue, and a party girl...
RWBY focuses on 15 year-old Ruby Rose, a young girl woh has just been
accepted to Beacon Academy. This ancient school was founded to train the
monster-slayers known as Huntsmen and Huntresse. However, Ruby will not
be alone. Upon arriving at Beacon, she is promptly paired with Weiss
Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. If these four girls want
to graduate they ll have to learn to work together both on the
battlefield and in the classroom.
Their school work, however,
will not be their only challenge. Between the White Fang, Roman
Torchwick, Cinder Fall, and the Vytal Festival Tournament, the girls of
Team RWBY will have their work cut out for them!